After Christmas Shopping for my Friends

Saturday, December 27, 2008

For Julie:

By Etsy seller dottieangel; nellie gets known vintage butterfly drapes

(I have a feeling you could find some place wonderful for these in your home)

for tangobaby:

By Etsy seller amerimagesbytim; As Far as the Eye can See

(I hope one day you can come to Kansas and take beautiful pictures)

for Steph:By Etsy seller FuzzyBrat, Marathon Runner Finisher Time Hand Stamped Charm Gift Necklace

(I'll buy it for you when you run with me in OKC in April!)

For Leslie: By Etsy seller johnwgolden

(We all need reminding from time to time, huh?)

For SGM:

By Etsy seller Clevergirl, Word Balloon Set of 2 Moleskine notebooks

(for all those notes you take during your tv viewing)

For Jozette:

By Etsy seller threeredtrees; dogs in bad sweaters note card set

(dogs and bad sweaters in the same place...awesome!)


3 Responses to “After Christmas Shopping for my Friends”
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thank you, you're very kind. i'm sure i could find a window for those beautiful curtains, but even more i could probably use that sign about watching my language, since i hang out with sailors quite a lot. :-)

OK. I love the word balloons...they seem perfect for SGM, too. And the dogs with sweaters are awesome. Jozette is one lucky chick!

Thanks again for the awesome etsy contribution for the BSP, btw:) I feel like I'm speaking in some crazy code!!

Oh Oh! I just saw this! Geeze, I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on. I love love love my after xmas present. :) That little doggie sweater is amazing. Thank you thank you :) That just made my day.