
Friday, January 29, 2010

Do you get lonely, even though you are busy?
Do you feel like sometimes time just flies by and you haven't had time to stop to think...
much less tie your shoes?

In the last 30 days, I have been gone 11
Always gone with people...
friends, family and co-workers
but I have been lonely...

I haven't had time to read a book
I just finished catching up on all 564 posts in my reader
I can't imagine what it would be like to do something creative...

Thinks are looking up though:
There is no travel scheduled,
There is snow on the ground,
and the 1/2 marathon training has begun in earnest...

I went to the library this week and checked out 3 books.
I'm looking forward to getting back to myself
and enjoying the end of the winter.

the light of friendship

Friday, January 8, 2010

I am the luckiest person I know.
My friends are the best.
I have great friends from high school that email the stories of their lives back and forth.
I have great college friends that will run in half marathons with me.
I have great Salina friends who will gather on a Thursday night for wine...
and hopes that school will be cancelled in the morning (it wasn't).

Next weekend I go to Colorado with my girls (remember last year?).  We have decided on pedicures and massages.  We've packed our swim suits for the hot tub where we can look at Pike's Peak while we soak.  We have drawn names out of a hat to pair up for making meals.  The wine will flow, and the the good times and laughter won't stop until we fall into bed at night.

My friends are some of the brightest lights in my life...and for that I am so very thankful.

the quiet

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here I sit in the still and quiet of the early morning.  I can hear the heater running,,,how often is it quiet enough in your house to hear the heater running?  Occasionally the dog shifts.  Sometimes I hear a sleepy sigh from one of the kids.

In 20 minutes I will wake the kids, I sill like to get in bed with them in the morning and cuddle a bit and wake them gently if I can.  I can't get enough of their sleepy, warm bodies in the cold mornings.

In 25 minutes the shower will start running.  The dog will scratch to go out, and already the quiet will start to dissolve.

In a half hour, the "mom"s will start.  The water will run for brushing teeth, and filling of water bottles.  The kids will inevitably find something to start bickering about.  We will begin the rushing about to get out the door for school and work.

...and my quiet will be gone...until tomorrow morning.

**photo from the beach in Georgetown, Grand Cayman

so much

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There is so much to say and so little time.  So little, that I am in fact writing this as I wait for the train to pass by...then I must go take Molly to swimming, pick Carson up from basketball, and then make some dinner (why must kids eat dinner?) and then find some time to go for a run before the -10 degree weather comes in tonight (along with more snow!).

Quickly though -

  • The cruise was great, and the weekend at home doing laundry after wasn't so great.
  • I joined the Blog Camp 365 photo a day project.  I am excited and scared all at the same time.  Hopes are that it will improve my photography and processing skills!
  • I got the bestest Christmas present of all time:  Old Gringo boots!
  • I am working on a photo book from Snapfish of our trip for my mom and dad & brother and sister-in-law.  I'm excited to see how they come out!
  • Lots of travel coming up:  Colorado next week for a long weekend with the girls, then GA again for work.  For February...who knows?  I haven't gotten that far yet!
  • I started training for the Lincoln 1/2 marathon this weekend.  I am excited and inspired to run again.  I was reminded last night of how much I love the cold, snowy nights.
and this:  This is the second of my 365 photos.  I LOVE how it turned out!