I am here to admit to you and all of the world that I have just finished creating a counrty music playlist on my ipod. I know, you can't even believe I would admit to something like that, but there it is! I feel better!
Now, I do a fair bit of travel by auto, and I like to listen to a variety of things while in my car. My favorite thing is a book-on-tape. About 3/4 of the time you can find me listening to something in my car that either I just can't get myself to read in print, or I am too embarassed to admit to the public that I am reading.
The other 1/4 of the time, I am listening to the radio. Yes, I do have a CD player in my car, but I've never been one to listen to whole entire CDs. AS much as I might love a certain artist, I usually only like 1 or 2 songs on the whole CD, so it is stupid for me to buy a whole CD.
I love to listen to NPR as I travel, but that often times proves difficult as my 6 and 7 year olds are always talking to me, or asking me to explain what they are talking about on the radio, and I can't concentrate, and that pisses me off, so I usually reserve that for alone time in the car.
I have a fondness in my heart for top-40 music as well. As a 30-something, I feel a need to keep up with what is going on in the world, and I think pop music often reflects what is happening "on the scene." I have many top-40 playlists on my ipod, and love them. I especialy love those that have "explicit" lyrics. For some reason hearing someone "sing" the word fuck puts a smile on my face and makes my run a little bit better.
So, here we get to the country part. You know, when you are in the car and there is just nothing good on the radio? That's when I usually turn to the country stations. In my neck of the woods, there are many, many country stations to choose from, so it is not usually a problem to tune one in. I have just recently realized something about country music: It is funny. Now, I know the old cliche' about drinking and breaking up is the typical theme in counrty music, but some of the songs out now are downright funny. I implore you to take a spin on the dial and listen for: Some Beach (a play on the son-of-a-bitch/sonbeech comment), or how about Shift Work (which is sung to make you believe he is going to say shit work)? I mean these guys are pretty funny.
So, I admit that I compiled a whole playlist of my favorite country songs of the moment. As much as I like to run, I usually want it to be over quickly, so a little country music that makes me smile and forget about the pain in my hammies for a few minutes can't be all bad, can it?
Country Music on my ipod???
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
country music,
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